What  features  are in  Dreamweaver   
for Cold Fusion TAG's
as of 6/2000

Definition..: TAG are used in the same manner in
HTML& Cold Fusion *.CFM pages

HTML web page:
.....Example: <head> ... <BODY> .....<HR> ...</BODY>

*.cfm page
......Example: <HEAD> ... <BODY> ... <CFif> ... <CFoutput> ...<BR> ... </HTML>

List of supported Dreamweaver Cold Fusion ........ TAGS ...................... 
SEE..: http://www.allaire.com/documents/cf4/cfml_language_reference/2_ColdFusion_Tags/lr2_001.htm

!....In Computer Center using CF V4.5 maunal
Online Ref: does NOT show the Example Code!!!

The tags can be put into the following Catagories:
See..: http://www.allaire.com/documents/cf4/cfml_language_reference/2_ColdFusion_Tags/lr2.htm

Database Manipulation Tags
Data Output Tags
Variable Manipulation Tags
Flow-Control Tags
Internet Protocol Tags
File Management Tags
Web Application Framework Tags
ColdFusion Forms Tags
External System Tags
Other Tags

Tags supported by the Dreamweaver CF extension:

for program flow control..:
............. cfIF
............. cfELSE
............. cfLOOP .... Repeats a set of instructions based on a set of conditions
..............cfCASE ..... & CFSWITCH / CFCASE / CFDEFAULTCASE
................................. Evaluates a passed expression and passes control to the CFCASE tag
.................................. that matches the expression result.
............ cfSWITCH
............ cfDefaultC---

for use in.................. FORMS...(pg59)..:
!...cfFORM tag did not have a METHOD parameter
!...a HTML Form placement causes a red-checked box but a marker was NOT placed on the document page in Dreamveaver.
!...many or the other form-tags used the same dialog-parameter-entry-box; this caused errors when incorect areas were filled in or checked.
!...the Online Ref. does NOT mention the PASSTHTOUGH parameter.
........"Optional. HTML attributes that are not explicitly supported by CFFORM. If you specify
........ an attribute and its value, the attribute and value are passed to the HTML code that is
........ generated for the CFinput tag. See Usage section for more info about specifying values"
........ PASSTHROUGH= "readonly= " "YES " " "

............. cfFORM............... add features when compared to HTML forms
........................................... Builds an input form and performs client-side input validation.
............. cfTEXT
............. cfCheckbox ...........for making form selection(s)
............. cfRADIO
.............. unsupported tags CFINPUT ... CFGRIDCOLUMN ... CFSELECT
......................................................... CFSLIDER ... CFTEXTINPUT ...
......................................................... CFTREE (CFTREEITEM )
Example Code
<CFform ACTION="cfform.cfm" METHOD="POST" ENABLECAB="Yes">
<cfInput TYPE="Radio" NAME="testVal1 VALUE="Yes" CHECKED="yes">
<cfInput TYPE="Radio" NAME="testVal2 VALUE="Yes" CHECKED="no">
<cfInput TYPE="Checkbox" NAME="CKtestVal1 VALUE="Yes">
<cfinput TYPE=Text" NAME="text1" MESSAGE="Please..." VALIDATE="credit"
............... REQUIRED="No">
............... REFRESHLABLE="nO" >

............ cfLOCATION.... Opens a ColdFusion page or HTML file.
............ cfCookie........Defines and sets cookie variables.

............ cfDirector--- a folder
............ cfFILE..........Performs typical file-handling tasks from within your ColdFusion application.
............ cfINCLUDE
............ cfINSERT.... Inserts records in an ODBC data source.
............ cfMAIL ........ Assembles and posts an email message.
............ cfOUTPUT ... Displays output of database query or other operation.
............ cfQuery ......... Passes SQL to a database.
.....................................other tags CFTRANSACTION .....

............ cfUPDATE .... Updates rows in a database data source.


Details of supported Cold Fusion TAG ( as used in *.cfm pages!!!!! )

cfFORM inserting brings up a form with the following entry areas:
syntax & parameters:
.... <CFFORM
.......... NAME="name" .....................name this form
.......... ACTION="form_action" ...... *.cfm file to take action on the form data
.......... ENABLECAB="Yes/No" .... ?
.......... ONSUBMIT="javascript" .... JS to call (on client cpu) say to verify: form input
.......... TARGET="window_name" > ...?
.......... ENCTYPE="type" .................. ?
.......... --- .......................................... ?
.... </CFFORM>



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