On this site
- The Mars Society: to explore and
settle the new world.
- Artigen science
newswire - realtime list of science, technology, and computer articles
from various news sites
- Slashdot.org - "News for nerds.
Stuff that matters." (computer/linux news)
- Google, the search engine with the
most relavent results (altavista still
gives more hits, though)
- Project Gutenberg and UPenn's book page, great places to find electronic copies of older (copyright expired) books.
- USA Computing Olympiad, a computer programming contest with fun questions that tends to concentrate on inventing and choosing algorithms
- Opt out of doubleclick banner ad tracking
Contact info
E-mail: [email protected].
ICQ: 12108895
AIM: JesseRud
DALnet: JesseR