Broadacres Home Page
This Web page provided as a public service by Palos Verdes on the NET Community Services


Broad Acres is a school of limited enrollment, nestled in a quiet, secluded area surrounded by trees and flowers. Many natural materials are a part of our daily experience. Children are allowed to grow emotionally and expand their interests at their own rate in this happy, natural environment.

We are deeply concerned with each child's emotional, physical and intellectual development. We believe a climate conducive to all three is possible without establishing a formalized teaching program.

Children develop independence, creativity, the ability to solve problems, and appropriate methods of handling emotions--all of which instill feelings of confidence and self--esteem.

Broad Acres is a happy, busy, active school. Our days are filled with songs, laughter, humor, smiled--and of course occasional tears, which we except as a necessary part of living.

Working with children and helping them to grow is an inspiring and gratifying endeavor. We hope to help each child meet his needs and achieve satisfying goals at his level.

Last Update: 04/03/96
Web Author: Larry Futrell
Copyright �1996 by broadacres - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED