Parent Participation Alternative School
at Pedregal
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General Information
Additional information may be obtained from the PVPUSD and/or by contacting Fred London, Cornerstone School Site Administrator at (310) 378-0324
We commit to the education of the whole child; physical, emotional, intellectual, and social. We believe in helping each child to be challenged with the excitement of discovery. At Cornerstone, every day holds an exciting new experience, and school activities are looked upon as a part of life, valued in and of themselves.
We commit to the stimulation of each child's natural curiosity and the joy of learning. Children are born learners, and given the proper environment and tools, they will continue to do so all their lives.
We commit to the nurturing of each child's positive self-image, personal self-discipline and respect, in an atmosphere of trust. Equally as important as the academics is the confidence and self-esteem that each child develops. Children learn best when they feel good about themselves and when they are taught in a supportive environment.
We commit to the development of each child's critical and creative thinking processes for problem solving, conflict resolution, self discipline and interpersonal communication.
We commit to education as an extension of the family and will encourage active family participation in our children's learning experience as well as the School. The Administration and Teaching Staff are committed to working with the families in this kind of learning environment.
It is our hope that our children will become whole beings, capable of giving to this world more than they take, sharing who they are, aware of the choices they have to make, capable of making those choices, and will be secure enough to live with their choices while sharing in the creation of the future.
A parent participation school serves a dual role of educating both the parent and child. While the child receives an excellent education, which includes the loving support of involved parents, the parent has the unique opportunity to witness their child's development and to learn from the professional staff and other parents.
In addition to inservice training, the school will provide the opportunity for parents to enjoy speakers and workshops on current topics in child development and parent-child dynamics. Parent education classes will be offered on a regular basis. Friendships with other Member families who share mutual ideas in also one of the many benefits that a parent participation school offers.
A feeling of self-worth and understanding
The ability to accept reasonable limits
Trust and confidence in adults
Openness to creative expression
Getting along with other children
Awareness of the world around him/her
Inquiry into many things
Qualitative development of body movement
Increase of intellectual awareness and curiosity
An understanding of the feelings of others
Responsibility in the use and care of materials
Sensitivity to and appreciation for the uniqueness of each child
Cooperation in working with other adults
Sharing of talents and resources
Understanding child development - social, emotional, physical, and intellectual
Handling discipline in a constructive way - a way that promotes self-discipline
Being comfortable and confident while working with children at school
Being able to recognize and accept a child's feelings
1995-96 Parent Board of Directors
Offices and Descriptions Follow:
The Board Meets on the first Tuesday of each month at the Cornerstone Multi-Purpose Room at 7:00 p.m. All telephone numbers are in Area Code 310
President: Sally Liebfried, 377-0137 fax 544-0354 President Elect: Leslie Chambers, 530-4543 work: 592-4200 ext.212 Parliamentarian: Kathy Kerstein, 831-1944 Secretary: Lisle Dewar, 378-8065 Treasurer: Darin Knight, 377-4012 Ways & Means Co-Chairs: Karen Mitchell, 791-0035 Mary Ellen Semel, 377-2813 Membership: Jodi Larson, 373-0460 Participation: Kathy McNab, 541-7459 work: 781-9395, fax 781-9295 Maintenance & Site Safety: Matt Garland, 378-1545 Hospitality: Barbara Moore, 375-2205 Communications & Public Relations: Jennifer Laity, 544-1241, fax 544-0707 Education: Barbara Bergsteinsson, 547-0737 Technology Co-Chairs: John Ayoob, 540-5116 Kevin Brown, 547-3742
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