District Technology
Skills Matrix
Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District Student Technology Skills
Matrix for All Grades revision 0.9
Developmental Kindergarten and
INTRODUCTION OF SKILLS: (The number to the left of the decimal point
refers to one of sixteen technology topics. The number to the right of
the decimal point refers to the grade level.)
1.0 Student will experience using a computer and disks start, restart
and shut down a computer handle disks and computer with respect demonstrates
acceptable behavior at the computer and in the lab insert a floppy disk
into the computer
2.0 Student will experience using painting and drawing tools select
and use drawing and painting tools use shape tools
Flying Colors Kid Pix Kid Pix Studio Kid Works Kids Studio Living
Books Series
Cornerstone Lab Software: Flying Colors,
JumpStart Kindergarten, JumpStart Spanish, Math Workshop Deluxe, HyperStudio
First Grade:
INTRODUCTION OF SKILLS: (The number to the left of the decimal point
refers to one of sixteen technology topics. The number to the right of
the decimal point refers to the grade level.)
1.1 • Student will experience using a computer and disks • choose
a command from the menu bar using a mouse
2.1 • Student will experience using painting and drawing tools •
draw a picture using basic tools • create a graphic to illustrate an idea
in a story
3.1 • Student will experience keyboard skills appropriate to grade
level • understand relative position of the keys on a keyboard
• identify and use letter and number keys
4.1 • Student will experience basic word processing skills • launch
and use a word processing program • understands concepts of insertion point,
cursor, and word wrap • save and retrieve word processing files
ClarisWorks Flying Colors Kid Pix Kid Works 2 Living Books Series
Read, Write, Type Storybook Weaver Writing Center
Cornerstone Lab Software: Flying Colors,
JumpStart First Grade,JumpStart Spanish, Math Workshop Deluxe, Reading
Blaster 6-9, HyperStudio
Grade Two:
INTRODUCTION OF SKILLS: (The number to the left of the decimal point
refers to one of sixteen technology topics. The number to the right of
the decimal point refers to the grade level.)
2.2 • Student will experience using painting and drawing tools •
change the size or shape of a graphic using the edge handles
3.2 • Student will experience keyboard skills appropriate to grade
level • apply keyboarding skills (using both hands and both sides of keyboard,
thumb on spacebar) • use shift, arrow keys, special keys, and spacebar
4.2 • Student will experience basic word processing skills • understands
the concepts of insertion point, cursor, and word wrap • enter, delete,
cut, copy and paste text • save and retrieve word processing files
5.2 • Student will experience designing and creating multimedia
projects using • a variety of sources • create single and multiple screen
projects • plan and create a linear sequence which tells a story using
tech and/or graphics
Topic 1: Student can use a computer and disks
GRADE LEVEL SOFTWARE Hyperstudio Kid Pix Kid Pix Studio Kid Works
2 Kids Studio Writing Center
Cornerstone Lab Software: Flying Colors,
JumpStart Second Grade,JumpStart Typing, Creative Writer 2.0,Math Workshop
Deluxe, Reading Blaster 6-9, HyperStudio, Super Solvers Mission
Grade Three:
INTRODUCTION OF SKILLS: (The number to the left of the decimal point
refers to one of sixteen technology topics. The number to the right of
the decimal point refers to the grade level.)
2.3 • Student will experience using painting and drawing tools •
highlight a graphic using the lasso or frame/marquee tool • move a graphic
to another location on the screen • apply special effects such as rotate,
stretch, shrink, etc. • change a graphics pattern • move and duplicate
an object
3.3 • Student will experience keyboard skills appropriate to grade
level • identify and use the punctuation and special symbol keys
4.3 • Student will experience basic word processing skills • format
a document using different fonts, text size, styles, etc.
5.3 • Student will experience designing and creating multimedia
projects using • a variety of sources • add a button or menu to view all
or selective screens
Topic 1: Student can use a computer and disks
GRADE LEVEL SOFTWARE ClarisWorks Flying Colors Hyperstudio Mulitmedia
Workshop Writing Center
Cornerstone Lab Software: Flying Colors,
JumpStart ThirdGrade,JumpStart Typing, Creative Writer 2.0, On-line
Encyclopedia, McGraw's: Math Grade 3,Math Workshop Deluxe,
Reading Blaster 6-9, HyperStudio, Super Solvers Mission T.H.I.N.K.
Grade Four:
INTRODUCTION OF SKILLS: (The number to the left of the decimal point
refers to one of sixteen technology topics. The number to the right of
the decimal point refers to the grade level.)
2.4 • Student will experience using painting and drawing tools •
move and copy objects between paint and draw layers • export graphic to
another program
3.4 • Student will experience keyboard skills appropriate to grade
level • use formal keyboarding skills with home keys and correct posture
• touch type at speed equal to handwriting rate (5 -15 words per minute)
5.4 • Student will experience designing and creating multimedia
projects using • a variety of sources • include a digitized movies which
can be played from a particular screen
6.4 • Student will experience planning and creating video projects
• operate a video camera • make a smooth camera pan with video camera
7.4 • Student will experience using computer file management functions
• create, organize, and delete files and folders • write protect a disk
and lock a folder • respect copyright laws related to computer software
8.4 • Student will experience advanced word processing functions
• use the spell check function within a word processor • use keyboard shortcuts
for formatting and file management • change the margins, columns, spacing
and page breaks • import a graphic into a document
9.4 • Student will experience electronic encyclopedias • use atlas,
timeline, and gallery functions of encyclopedia
Topic 1: Student can use a computer and disks Topic 4: Student can
use basic word processing skills
Flying Colors Groliers Encyclopedia Hyperstudio Microtype, Wonderful
World of Paws Multimedia Workshop
Cornerstone Lab Software: Flying Colors,
JumpStart FourthGrade,JumpStart Typing, Creative Writer 2.0, On-line
Encyclopedia, McGraw's: Math Grade 3,Math Workshop Deluxe,
HyperStudio, Super Solvers Mission T.H.I.N.K., Internet Exploration
Grade Five:
INTRODUCTION OF SKILLS: (The number to the left of the decimal point
refers to one of sixteen technology topics. The number to the right of
the decimal point refers to the grade level.)
3.5 • Student will experience keyboard skills appropriate to grade
level • touch type at rate faster than handwriting rate (10 to 20 words
per minute)
5.5 • Student will experience designing and creating multimedia
projects using • a variety of sources • create an animation sequence from
a series of screens and convert to a digitized movie
6.5 • Student will experience planning and creating video projects
• demonstrate smooth camera tilt and zoom in and out
8.5 • Student will experience advanced word processing functions
• create and use indents and tabs in word processing document • use the
find and replace functions • move and copy text and graphics between two
word processing documents
9.5 • Student will experience electronic encyclopedias • use keyword
10.5 • Student will experience network access and resources • identify
components of network and telecommunications system • explain terminology
related to network access and use • understand the concepts of network
citizenship and etiquette • log on and off the network • print documents
to network printers
11.5 • Student will experience electronic mail system • send and
receive mail within the school campus
12.5• Student will experience desktop publishing fundamentals •
use the attributes of size and type classification for emphasis
13.5 • Student will experience simple spreadsheet functions • describe
the parts of a spreadsheet • move to and select specific cells in a spreadsheet
• add new text or numbers to a spreadsheet • save an updated spreadsheet
to disk
Topic 1: Student can use a computer and disks Topic 2: Student can
use painting and drawing tools Topic 4: Student can use basic word processing
skills Topic 7: Student can use computer file management functions
GRADE LEVEL SOFTWARE ClarisWorks Cruncher Groliers Multimedia Encyclopedia
Hyperstudio Student Writing Center US Atlas World Atlas Writing Center
Cornerstone Lab Software: Flying Colors,
JumpStart FifthGrade,JumpStart Typing, Creative Writer 2.0, On-line
Encyclopedia, Math for the Real World,Math Workshop Deluxe,
HyperStudio, Super Solvers Mission T.H.I.N.K., Web Layout Design,
Internet Exploration
In Addition:the Cornerstone Computer
Lab will have many additional CD-ROM titles for student use.