Computer Etiquette at Cornerstone
Students are to be supervised
by a teacher or teaching parent at all times when using the
computers in the IMC or classrooms.
Never give your name, phone number,
address, photo over the Internet-ever!
Please: No floppies from home or work
without prior authorization from a Computer Lab coordinator. Thank you!
No food or drink in the IMC.
Please treat the computers and
software and other equipment with great care.
Please cover the computers when they
are not in use! (Big plastic garbage bags will do.) Dust is really bad
for computer equipment!!
Handle the CD's with care. Students
should be taught how to hold them by the edges and always put them in their
protective case or sleeve after use.
If you would like to make a tech donation
to Cornerstone School and would like some ideas... Please call Chris Sweet
@ 378-2640. (It is a tax deduction!)
Any student found to using the computers, software
or Internet in an inappropriate manner will be reported and will lose future
computer lab privileges. Thank you!