We are still in the ‘learning’ mode of Web construction-if
you find mistakes, typos, poor grammar, bad
links or misinformation please forgive us and E-mail us right away!
All constructive criticism is
welcome as well as any suggestions or questions you might have; we
will do our best to help you. Need
questions answered or need some help? We will do our best to point
you in the right direction. If you
have information you want to put in this sight or think should
be included, please click on the e-mail
button on the bottom of this page! Or just visit the IMC and
check the computer lab out!
If you like what you
see, consider getting involved in our Cornerstone technology program....
Curious about web design and how we put this page together? We will
teach and train you in how to do
a page just like this one (or even better!) No experience required
just interest! Many of our teachers will
need support for their classroom web pages - from helping them start
one from scratch, to updating with
homework bulletins, class events and calendar, special projects and
needs to be addressed in their
respective classrooms. Many of our board members, committees, enrichment
providers - ‘Computer
Club’, etc. will need help getting their information up on the web
site. Our students - particularly fourth
and fifth grade - will need help learning how to make their own web
pages. At last but never least... our
Principal Fred London might need a bit of assistance getting all his
‘up-to-the minute’ bulletins out to
the parents regarding everything from parking, pick-up &
drop off protocols, holiday schedules,
assemblies, General Parent meetings, playground rules, outbreaks of
chicken pox, etc.
We would like to open the
Computer Lab up at lunch recess, early/late birds and after school hours
for those students who might need special help with math, phonics,
spelling and grammar, keyboarding
and much more! We could put them on a educational software program
that will address the areas they
are struggling in. In order to do all of this... We need as many parent
volunteers as possible. It is fun and
very rewarding-so e-mail to get more details: [email protected]