Weekly Activity Report,
September 2, 2001 – September 8, 2001
Crimes reported this past week in the City of Rancho Palos Verdes included
two felonious assaults, one grand theft (auto) and three mail thefts.
Vehicle Laws - 2
Narcotics Laws - 2
September 2
Grand Theft (auto) (overnight) - A 1992 Honda Accord was stolen from the
1200 block of Bloomwood Road.
September 4
School Burglary - An informant reported that between June 27th - August
31st, person(s) unknown stole electronic equipment from a school in the 28000 block of Montereina Drive.
September 7
Felonious Assault (daytime) - A male suspect in a maroon vehicle attempted
to hit a male victim as the victim walked towards the car on Via San Remo.
Felonious Assault (nighttime) - A male suspect in a white pickup threw a
glass bottle a male victim as he was riding on his motorcycle in the 6200 block of Monero Drive.
Traffic Summary 09/02/01 through 09/08/01.
TOTAL TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS 4 - last week - (6)
INJURY TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS 1 - last week - (1)
PERSON(S) INJURED 1 - last week - (1)
HAZARDOUS CITATIONS 39 - last week - (34)
NON-HAZARDOUS CITATIONS 11 - last week - (9)
PARKING CITATIONS 2 - last week - (21)
ENFORCEMENT INDEX (YTD) 39.9 - last week - (40)
The RPV Neighborhood Watch program is a very successful
program and we are proud of the many volunteers who work to inform their neighbors of problems in their areas. You may contact Gail Lorenzen at the city hall phone number - 310 377-0360.