............................. Cold Fusion .... SQL Syntax

Dynamic Parameters in SQL statements:
= passing user entered data from an HTML form to a database SQL request statement.

<CFquery ..........Sql-statement
<CFquery ...> ....SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE fieldName_FirstName = 'Dale'
<CFquery ...> ....SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE fieldName_FirstName = '#form.varableName#'

Cold Fusion can searches:
............Form's , URL's , cookies , client and CGI environments information for variableName

............form fields
............URL parameters ........../aaade/input.cfm?name=joe
............CGI environment variables
............Other queries..................#justRunQueryName.FieldName#
............Cookies............cookie variable
............Client Variables.....in system registry on the web-server

HTML Form ...Query Front End.....the common way to implement Dynamic SQL parameters!

<Form ACTION="getCFpage.CFM" METHOD="post">
......Enter your first name: <input type="text" name="variable_Fname">
.......................................<input type="Submit" value"SQLsearch">

The Form varable are know as: ........... variable_Fname

CFoutPut varible usage:

........... <CFoutput> literal-text #Form.variable_Fname#</CFoutput>

.CFquery variable usage:

..............<CFquery.... >
.............................select * from DataBaseTABLEname
...................................where DataBaseFieldname_firstname = "# variable_Fname#

SQL Search by a patern rathar than literal text; use the:

............. SQL LIKE operator in combinationw with the wildcard character ( % )

select * from dbTableName where Fname LIKE '#variable_Fname#%'
.............finds dbrows where Fname starts with user-input-data

Include a Comment in your *.cfm page

in HTML pages:....... .. . . ...............in CFM pages(note 3 dashes)
<!-- comments --> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <!--- comments --->