. . . . . ..... Cold Fusion TAG Syntax
<CFquery ............NAME="queryName"
...................DATASOURCE="odbc datasource name"
...................PASSWORD="password" >

...................TIMEOUT=n ........not supported by all ODBC database drivers
...................DEBUG ................if used it turns ON
...................SQL statement ..........................SELECT * FROM dbTABLEname

...................MAXROWS=n ..>................. danger from 0 to n

...................literal-test, HTML tags,
...................dynamic field ref (e.g. #fullname#)......................######

<CFtable........if to many rows add these attributes

...................QUERY...................required ....QueryName
...................*COLSPACING...................default 2
...................*HEADERLINES...................default 2 ...lines used for table header
...................*HTMLTABLE...................render HTML 3.0 table
...................*BORDER...................only with HTMLTABLE attribute

<CFcol.............sub tag of CFtable

...................HEADER..........the text
...................WIDTH.............column width default=20 expands with-data
...................ALIGN..............LEFT RIGHT CENTER
...................TEXT................" delimited text - HTML - #abc#
......................................(hyperlinks,images,references, input widgets)

<CFtable Query="qname" MAXROWS=10 >
...................<CFcol header="abc" width=20 text="<I>#Course_title#</I> ">
...................<CFcol header= ...

If need (") do ("")....(#) do (##)

Tip...Displaying result sets using HTML 3.0 tables does not require the use of CFtable tag
with HTMLtable attribute. You can also use CFoutput tag. For maximum control over the
appearance of your tables the CFoutput is superior. Use the CFtable tag if you need to
convert existing preformatted CFtables..or..you want the increased readability and
maintainability gained by using the CFtable tag.