This page does a __CFQuery__ on ((( Teaching_DB.mdb )))
via query __DATASOURCE__="Teaching_DB"

...Tables in this Data Base are..:
--- T100Personnel --- T200Accounts --- T300HTMLobjects --- T400WebPage,
------------ T500oneField --- T99TableInfo ------------------------
Test "CFoutputtting" to display data from the CFquery:
(---the Data Base named ............. Teaching_DB.mdb
..... CFquery __DATASOURCE__......... "Teaching_DB"
(---CFquery SQL all data (*) FROM
..... the Data Base ...Table name ... T99TableInfo
(---CFoutput #FieldName#
..... the (1st field/column) name ... #TableName#

List all Tables in this Data Base..:
...: T99TableInfo
...: T100Personnel
...: T200Accounts
...: T300HTMLobjects
...: T400WebPages
...: T500oneField
Note: I forgot to put info about T99TableInfo in the Data Base..!
Basic SQL Commands used in the SQL portion of the a query
Select - Insert - Update - Delete
then the DataBase name (no .mdb)
From(tablename)- Where(conditions)
- Order by(sorting)- Group by(specified select list items)
Example[CFquery name="Qname"
.......................................Select fieldName, filedName FROM tableName

CfOutput ----> fieldName# ....... DataType# ....... Discription#

............... T99TableInfo ...................................
Field 1 ----> FieldName1 ..... DataType1 ..... Description1
Field 2 ----> Fieldname2 ..... DataType2 ..... Description2
Field 3 ----> FieldName3 ..... DataType3 ..... Description3
Field 4 ----> FieldName4 ..... DataType4 ..... Description4
Field 5 ----> FieldName5 ..... DataType5 ..... Description5
Field 6 ----> FieldName6 ..... DataType6 ..... Description6
Field 7 ----> FieldName7 ..... DataType7 ..... Description7
Field 8 ----> FieldName8 ..... DataType8 ..... Description8
Field 9 ----> FieldName9 ..... DataType9 ..... Description9
Field 10 ---> FieldName10 ..... DataType10 ..... Description10
Field 11 ---> FieldName11 ..... DataType11 ..... Description11
Field 12 ---> FieldName12 ..... DataType12 ..... Description12
Field 13 ---> FieldName13 ..... DataType13 ..... Description13
Field 14 ---> FieldName14 ..... DataType14 ..... Description14
Field 15 ---> FieldName15 ..... DataType15 ..... Description15
Field 16 ---> FieldName16 ..... DataType16 ..... Description16
Field 17 ---> FieldName17 ..... DataType17 ..... Description17
Field 18 ---> FieldName18 ..... DataType18 ..... Description18
Field 19 ---> FieldName19 ..... DataType19 ..... Description19
Field 20 ---> FieldName20 ..... DataTypeDataType20 ..... Description20
Field 21 ---> FieldName21 ..... DataType21 ..... Description21
Field 22 ---> FieldName22 ..... DataType22 ..... Description22
Field 23 ---> FieldName23 ..... DataType23 ..... Description23
Field 24 ---> FieldName24 ..... DataType24 ..... Description24
Field 25 ---> FieldName25 ..... DataType25 ..... Description25
Field 26 ---> FieldName26 ..... DataType26 ..... Description26
Field 27 ---> FieldName27 ..... DataType27 ..... Description27
Field 28 ---> FieldName28 ..... DataType28 ..... Description28
Field 29 ---> FieldName29 ..... DataType29 ..... Description29
Field 30 ---> FieldName30 ..... DataType30 ..... Description30

............... T100Personnel ...................................
Field 1 ----> T100PK ..... Number ..... ...used to link DataBase Tables together via whole numbers
Field 2 ----> EmployeeFirstName ..... Text ..... ...15 characters
Field 3 ----> EmployeeMiddleInitial ..... Text ..... character
Field 4 ----> EmployeeLastName ..... Text ..... ...15 characters
Field 5 ----> SocialSecurityNumber ..... Text ..... ..formatted
Field 6 ----> DateEmployed ..... Date/Time ..... ---
Field 7 ----> AutoNumber ..... AutoNumber ..... AutoNumber
Field 8 ----> HourlyWageRate ..... Currency ..... ...0 to 40
Field 9 ----> OvertimeRate ..... Currency ..... ...41 on hours,,,non weekends, non holidays
Field 10 ---> DoubleTimeRate ..... Currency ..... ...weekends and holidays..�
Field 12 ---> SickDaysThisYear ..... Number ..... ...Field type Number
Field 13 ---> Comments ..... Text ..... ...Filed type Text
Field 14 ---> Evaluation ..... Memo ..... ...Field type Text
Field 15 ---> EmployeeRating ..... Number ..... ---

............... T200Accounts ...................................
Field 1 ----> T200PK ..... AutoNumber ..... ...used to link DataBase Tables together via whole numbers
Field 2 ----> T200SecondaryKey ..... Text ..... ...used to link DataBase Tables together via (alphebeticly) a b c ...z
Field 3 ----> T200AccountCustomer ..... Text ..... ---
Field 4 ----> T200AccountNumber ..... Number ..... ...main account via text
Field 5 ----> T200AccountSufix ..... Text ..... ...sub devides main account via test
Field 6 ----> T200subAccountNumber ..... Number ..... ...sub devide accounts via numbers
Field 7 ----> T200subAccountsufix ..... Text ..... ...sub devides sub-accounts
Field 8 ----> T200AccountCatagory ..... Text ..... ...such as advertiser, merchandise, government
Field 9 ----> T200AccountComments ..... Text ..... ...Filed type Text
Field 10 ---> T200AccountMemo ..... Memo ..... ...Field type Text

............... T300HTMLobjects ...................................
Field 1 ----> T300PK ..... Number ..... ...PrimaryKey Integer Required...Links DataBase Tables
Field 2 ----> ID ..... AutoNumber ..... ID-AutoNumber
Field 3 ----> T300F1Rnum-Text ..... Text ..... DB1T2F1Rnum-Text
Field 4 ----> T300F2Rnum-Ltext ..... Memo ..... DB1T2F2Rnum-Ltext
Field 5 ----> T300F3Rnum-Text ..... Text ..... ---
Field 6 ----> T300F4Rnum-Ltext ..... Memo ..... ---
Field 7 ----> T300F5Rnum-Text ..... Text ..... ---
Field 8 ----> T300F6Rnum-Ltext ..... Memo ..... ---
Field 9 ----> T300F7Rnum-Text ..... Text ..... ---
Field 10 ---> T300F8Rnum-Ltext ..... Memo ..... ---
Field 11 ---> T300F9Rnum-Text ..... Text ..... ---
Field 12 ---> T300F10Rnum-Image ..... OLE Object ..... DB1T2F10Rnum-Image
Field 13 ---> T300F11Rnum-Image ..... OLE Object ..... ---
Field 14 ---> T300F12Rnum-Image ..... OLE Object ..... ---
Field 15 ---> T300F13Rnum-Image ..... OLE Object ..... ---
Field 16 ---> T300F14Rnum-Image ..... OLE Object ..... ---
Field 17 ---> T300F15Rnum-Image ..... OLE Object ..... ---
Field 18 ---> T300F16Rnum-ImageMAP ..... OLE Object ..... DB1T2F16Rnum-ImageMAP
Field 19 ---> T300F17Rnum-Link ..... Hyperlink ..... DB1T2F17Rnum-Link
Field 20 ---> T300F18Rnum-Link ..... Hyperlink ..... ---
Field 21 ---> T300F19Rnum-Link ..... Hyperlink ..... ---
Field 22 ---> T300F20Rnum-Link ..... Hyperlink ..... ---

............... T400WebPages ...................................
Field 1 ----> T400PK ..... Number ..... ...used to link DataBase Tables together via whole numbers
Field 2 ----> T400SecondaryKey ..... Text ..... ...used to link DataBase Tables together via (alphebeticly) a b c ...z
Field 3 ----> T400Customer ..... Text ..... ---
Field 4 ----> T400Comments ..... Memo ..... ...Filed type Ltext
Field 5 ----> T400AutoNumber ..... AutoNumber ..... ...Field type Auto-number
Field 6 ----> T400PageTitle ..... Text ..... ---
Field 7 ----> T400PageSound ..... OLE Object ..... ...Filed type ?sound file
Field 8 ----> T400Text1 ..... Text ..... ---
Field 9 ----> T400LText2 ..... Memo ..... ...DB1T3-LText2
Field 10 ---> T400Text3 ..... Text ..... ---
Field 11 ---> T400LText4 ..... Memo ..... ...DB1T3-LText4
Field 12 ---> T400Image1 ..... OLE Object ..... ...Filed type ?image
Field 13 ---> T400Image2 ..... OLE Object ..... ...Filed type ?image
Field 14 ---> T400Image3 ..... OLE Object ..... ...Filed type ?image
Field 15 ---> T400Image4 ..... OLE Object ..... ...Filed type ?image
Field 16 ---> T400Image5 ..... OLE Object ..... ...Filed type ?image
Field 17 ---> T400Image Map1 ..... OLE Object ..... ...Filed type ?imageMap
Field 18 ---> T400Movie1 ..... OLE Object ..... ...Filed type ? movie vile
Field 19 ---> T400Link1 ..... Hyperlink ..... ...Link
Field 20 ---> T400Link2 ..... Hyperlink ..... ...Link.�
Field 21 ---> T400Link3 ..... Hyperlink ..... ...Link
Field 22 ---> T400Link4 ..... Hyperlink ..... ...Link
Field 23 ---> T400Link5 ..... Hyperlink ..... ...Link
Field 24 ---> T400Navigation Bar Item 1 ..... Hyperlink ..... ---

............... T500oneField ...................................
Field 1 ----> PrimaryKeyNOGO ..... Number ..... ---