Allaire ColdFusion Studio 4.5.1 
Features Information 1

Three(3) Windows 
.... Database(Server), 
.... Lists Databases selected Server 
.... Document you are creating...Has 3 TABS 
Window TABs for(Lists Databases selected Server) 

.... Files tab..lists (FileName, Title,Size,Modified,Type(CFM,js,HTML) 
.... DataBase(s) list 
.... ProJects (2 windows) 
.... SiteView (1 window) 
.... Snippets (1 window) 
.... HELP
.... Tag Inspector 

----------The Main Menu 
... File: ... insert file, convert Text file 
... Edit: undo, redo, repeat last Tag, select all 
.......... indent, unindent,Toggle/GetNext Bookmark,onvert Tag Case,GoToLine 
... Search: Extended Find/Replace, Replace Special Char, Replace D with S space 
... Tools: Tag Chooser...Expression Builder...SQL Builder...New Image Map 
.......... Spell ck, spellckALL, Mark Spell Errors 
.......... Validate Doc, Validate Current Tag 
.......... Document Weight, Verify links, with LinkBot, verify project with LinkBot Code Speeper'sss 
... Project: 
... Options:settings,cusdtomize,confg ext. browser,ord wrap,split editor,show Hidden Chrs. 
... Debug: .......... 
... Tags: HTML common + Find Matching Tag, Show tag Tips, Edit Current Tag,Inspect Cur Tag 
... View: 
.......... Debug Window 
.......... Edit Tab..Tool Bar's 
.......... Resource windowsss 
.......... Fullscreen 
.......... QuickBar---Tabs 
............... Common..HTML Tags 
............... Fonts 
............... Tables 
............... Frames 
............... Lists 
............... CFML Basic(ServerVariables,CFQuery,CFOutput,CFInsert, 
......................CFSet,CFParam,CFComment,surround Variable with #...# 
............... CFML Advanced (CFCookie,CFContent,CFHeader,CFApplication, 

............... CFForm(.....) 
............... CFML Flow(.....) 
.......... Resource Tab 
.......... Results 
.......... Special Char 
.......... Togle edit/browse 
.......... Toggle edit/design 
.......... open in Micromedia Dreamweaver 
... Help: Ref Window,Current Tag,E-Business,About 

------------------Icon tools:(new to me)
Standard:...SaveAll,,Find,Replace,Extended Find, Extended Replace 
View:ResourceTab,Results,*QuickBar,*Special Characters 
FullScreen, View External Browser List 
Tools:Palette,Verify Links,Validate Current Doc, Thumbnails, 
Spell Check,Mark Spell Errors,Style Editor, New ImageMap 

Edit:Show ClipBoard, Paste All, Clear ClipBoard 
Undo, Redo, Repeat Last Tag 
Code Sweeper 
Allaire Default CS (Html/CFM) 
Allaire Default CS (Optomixed for HTML only) 
My Code Sweeper (use for testing) 
WDDX Sweeper 
Allaire Default HTML Tidy Settings 
JSP: Page, Include, TagLib 
Declaration, Scriptlet, Expression 
jsp:usebean, jsp:setProperty,jsp:getProperty, 
----------------Edit--Browser--Design Tab (doc window) tools 
Close Doc, Split Doc, Show open Doc list, word wrap, 
show gutter,line#,show hidden Char,Full screen, 
find1st-previous-next-last Doc, Indent,Unindent, 
Tag Insite-completion-validation 
----------------Browser Tab (doc window) 
Quich show & edit as within a browser window 
----------------Design Tab (doc window)
Warning message..this mode used to prototype HTML pages
your DYNAMIC HTML,CFM,JSP can be reformated/lost.
Some help via Code Sweep..
Standard tools displayed for formating: Text, Tables, Forms
One tag for cancel design view and changes.