Their are many others including falcons, redtail hawks (Buteo jamaicensis, pictured above), owls, bats, foxes and rattlesnakes.
The rufous crowned sparrow, phainopepla and several other species are becoming very rare locally (due to development, crows, ravens, grackles, etc.)
Also, this area is unique because it is the center of endemism for the nonmigratory race of Allen's hummingbird and the sordida subspecies of Orange-crowned warbler. We probably also have our own subspecies of spotted towhee, Pacific slope flycatcher, and others.
Regionally rare least bitterns still breed at Ken Malloy/Harbor regional park.
Thanks to Martin Byhower for the paragraph above, his web site is at
This is another excellent source for information on birds
And of course The Audubon Society
Local Plant Species Targeted by the NCCP
Alphansima (Aphanisma blitoides)
South Coast Saltscale (atriplex pacifica)
Peirson's Morning-glory (Calytegia peirsonii)
Catalina Crabapple Bush (Crossosoma californicum)
Bright Green Dudleya (Dudleya virens)
Southern Tarplant (Hemizonia parryi ssp. australis)
Catalina Boxthorn (Lycium brevipes var. hassei)
Lyon's Pentachaeta (Pentachaeta lyonii)