Dear Friends of Palos Verdes Estates,

I am running for a seat on the Palos Verdes Estates City Council and wanted to let you know how much your support and assistance can help me win. I realize that being a part of the formal guardianship of our City is a serious commitment which I am ready and willing to make.

I've been an avid and eager volunteer involved in many groups, always willing to work hard for the common good. My family and I have been fortunate to be a part of this community for the last 19 years, and contributing to the City's well-being has always been a priority to me. I am passionate about its welfare and future and feel the skills and knowledge I've gained will be essential in shaping the future of our City. As an honest, open-minded, and fair person, I am willing to listen and work for a balanced consensus among people and their issues.

The intention of this letter is to let you know that should I receive your support and ultimately get elected, I will represent you and your neighbors to the best of my ability. I feel strongly about grass roots involvement and will strive to ensure that decisions by the City Council are not dealt with in a "top-down" approach but rather are a reflection of the residents' concerns.



Virginia Butler

PS: Most Importantly, remember to vote on March 6th.

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