We invite you to a lecture and Q&A session to be given at our church on Sunday, January 22nd at 2:00 PM, entitled Christian Science: What it is and how it heals. This free lecture will be given by Michelle Nanouche, C.S.B., from Paris, France. Michelle speaks internationally and has been a Christian Science practitioner for 30 years. No RSVP is required to attend, and child care will be provided. We look forward to seeing you here!
Thank you to all who attended the free lecture hosted at our church on March 20th, 2016 entitled Effective Prayer, given by Brian Kissock, C.S.B., a Christian Science practitioner and teacher. The Bible declares to the world that "perfect love casteth out fear." What is this perfect love, how does it cast out fear, and how does it bring healing? If you were not able to join us in person, you may listen to this talk and a short question & answer session using the audio buttons below, or click on the links to download a copy of the audio replay to your computer (A local audio player such as iTunes or Windows Media Player required to listen to the downloaded MP3 version.)
Please check back for updates on our next lecture, planned for 2017.
Our church holds services on Thanksgiving Day and regularly sponsors workshops and lectures for the public on topics relating to spirituality and Christian Science.
For information on upcoming events, please contact the church or see an usher following any service.