
Learning... Dreamweaver &  Cold Fusion

Dreamweaver Tutorials & Information links to come 

     Dreamweaver  Web pages ...on PalosVerdes.com [server] 
                       Dale's Dreamweaver special..: Features

Dreamweaver-Cold Fusion pages (*.CFM) ....................
on TVnet{server}-{CF engine}...: Dw & CF

Cold Fusion links......
Start here: Cold Fusion Tutorials at WebMonkey.com
Tutorials at Search Box "Cold Fusion" at Informit.com
Resource #1... CFM language reference
Developer Documents at Allair 
Get Adobe Acrobat reader
Allair CFM Forums
a SQL Tutorial
CF Suite Editor * 1

Cold Fusion Tutorials at WebMonkey.com
............................... by Charles Mohnike
............A great place to start!

Index of that  web site:
ColdFusion Tutorial by Charles Mohnike in Web Monkey 
Search in HotBot for CF as mentioned in CF Tutorial 
Who needs Cold Fusion 
What is a Template..... a Variable 1 ... 2 
Why set up several DSN's ...see *Divide divide divide
Check your Data Base for...
Search in Web Monkey "Cold Fusion"
Allaire.com the developer of CF as mentioned in CF Tutorial 
The 1st *.cfm page as mentioned in CF Tutorial 
SQL Tutorial as mentioned in CF Tutorial 
About CFoutput statement 
About CFIF & CFELSE statements 
CF tag sets documentation 
Allaire's support pages offer 
................... scads of links to custom tags 
How to get the URL-text and also make a live link
Talk of a site plan and realized ...! 
A savvy webmaster might handle this situation with 
.......... something like Server-Side Includes
.................................. but ColdFusion provides 
Put some things on every page, the right way. 1 ... 2
Puting HTML in a CFM page 
CF SQL.... IS or = rule .... & like-% 
more CFoutput ... CFif / CFelse
Save to CF-server(engine) , 
.... but view with browser via WebPage-server 
Testin and troubleshooting 101 ...how to


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