Dale's test of Dreamweaver & Cold Fusion

Dale's start-of-site page . . . . . . . . . Dreamweaver 2 Help notes

....Some links to Dreamweaver pages:
....Link to a page that uses with Events & Layers

....Some links to Cold Fusion pages:
....Link to a page discribing Cold Fusion TAG Syntax
....Link to a page discribing Cold Fusion Database SQL Syntax
........Link to the first Cold Fusion page (name): pg15.cfm
........Link to Database driven page pg16.cfm
.......Link to PageCreation STEPS  page pg35.cfm
....Link to Test of Data Base Test-Teaching_DB

Cold Fusion links Database DATA to WEB pages (!dynamically)

....What is it :

The Cold Fusion link/page is stored on a directory controled by the Cold Fusion Engine. 
The Server software receives a request from your computers Browser software and it see's that 
the request is for a page with a CFM extension ( xxx.CFM ), the Server passes the request to the 
Cold Fusion Engine software and it retrieves the CFMpage. 

View IE/NS address of "Test_Index.htm" ... http://tvnet/publiccf/Dale_temp/Test_Index.htm 
EDIT-Save address...... file:////Tvnet/publiccf/Dale_temp/Test_Index.htm 

Book............Cold Fusion Pro v2.0.....pg21 
A *.cfm page has 4 elements 

...........1 regular text ---- this is text 

...........2 HTML Tags ------ <body> ---------------HyperText Markup Languag 
..............................................................see http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/Markup/ 
.............................................................. especially know "form"s 

...........3 CFLM Tags ------ <CFoutput...-----------Cold Fusion Markup Language 
...............................................................interact with Databases 
...............................................................send E-mail 
...............................................................build HTML output 
...............................................................manage files 
...............................................................work with other Web applications 
.............................................................. an Application Programming interface 
................................................................Cold Fusion V2.0 has 130 predefined Functions 
................................................................Math...Bit manipulation...Decision (If ....else)....String manipulation 
................................................................Date - Time...Administrative...System-level...formatting...List 

...........4 SQL Tags -------- <Query...---------------Structured Query (Database) Language 
................all data stored in a Relational database is organized into tables

Note: ODBC (Open Database Connectivity ....standard) is used by Cold Fusion to access Databases 

...each Database software creater provides a ODBC driver... 
...each ODBC database can be given a logical name in an ODBC Administrator Control Panes. 
...Cold Fusion use the logical name and protocol 
....Cold Fusion comes with a set of standard ODBC drivers to most popular relational databases 

CFquery attributes 
....datasource(the ODBC logical name) 
........maxRows(optional, can also be in the CFoutput statement){{ no " 
........userName(optional, securtity item) 
........passWord(optional, security item) 
........timeOut....(optional, milliseconds, may NOT be supported by the database ODBC driver) 
................................................................................{{placed <cfQuery.....> timeout=n </cfQuery> 
........debug......(optional, shows info in the output!!!){{placed <cfQuery.....> debug </cfQuery> 
........then the SQL statement (multi line ok) example: select all FROM tableNameABC 

Note: CFquery statement is placed BEFOR any HTML statement 
Note: after the CFquery, it's results can be used to dynamically create an HTML page! 

Most flexible ways to display database date from a CFquery is to defime CFML output section in your file (none as a template). Output can be linked to a specific query (1) or contain content from multiple queries. A CFOUTPUT tag can contain: 
...Literal Text 
...HTML tags 
...References to query colums 
...References to dynamic parameters( like; a HTML Form fields data) 

CFoutput Attributes
...Query (optional, name of the CFquery 
...Group(optional, grouping for nested output 

CFopuput syntax
.....literal text, HTML tags, and Dynamic field references (ie #Full_Fieldname#

Note: Dreamweaver 2 tends to show a table as it appears in MS Internet Explorer....!
Do a Table...because I want to fool around with re-setting 
.......Table BoardersMenu...Insert> Table....had ...cellPAD=10 cellSPACING=50 Boarder=20 
............................................rows=1 columns=2 width=400 heigth=notset 
...........Select>Table...ADDs... Table Name 
.............................................. Vspace=10 .......Hspace=80 
.....................for IE................LightBoarder= DarkBoarder= 
..............................................Bg .(image). .. 
.......................................... ...Bg .(color). ..if NONE..page color\pic shows on top & in cells 
.....................for IE ....................................if ANYTHING , color shows ....on ."............." 
.....................forNS....................................if ANYTHING , color shows in cells only 
.....................for NS..............Brdr .(color). ..1 color translated by NS lite and dark areas