John by Email at: [email protected]
Ken Dyda's recently sent a letter to the Editor of
the Peninsula News concerning Eastview. That letter
contained inaccuracies. In response, I attempted to send a letter
to the editor to be printed in response. The Peninsula News refused to
print my letter because it "didn't want to have a printed
'dialogue' between Mr. Dyda and myself." Below is my
response to Mr. Dyda's letter.
February 28, 2006
To the Editor, PV Peninsula News
The revisionist history lesson that Mr. Dyda gives
us is a very self-serving picture and demeans the hard working people
in Eastview who worked to help incorporate the city of Rancho Palos
Verdes. The only portion of Eastview that was threatened by annexation
to Lomita was the Peninsula Verde Homeowners area. Activist residents
tell me that the RPV City Council never asked them if they wanted to
annex to RPV after the Lomita border change.
It was Dyda who came to the Palos Verdes Peninsula
Advisory Council with the supposed survey that apparently exaggerated
the high negative in Eastview if included in the “Fourth City” (RPV)
incorporation. Dyda acted as a go-between for the SOC Steering Committee
and the PVPAC, the new city’s incorporating body.
Eight years later when the MORGA annexation occurred
it was after only about six weeks of collecting signatures prior to
filing. They had waited years for the PVPAC promise to be kept by a
city council that finally had Bob Ryan and Ann Shaw as their main supporters.
Dyda calls that “impatience.” The fact is that they could
not trust that an annexation item on the RPV agenda would be voted
in their favor with councilman Buerk so adamant against it. One wonders
if the item on the agenda was spurred by the signature campaign itself
and not just the threat of being annexed by Los Angeles and the loss
of sales tax revenue. It seems that the fact that the council only
took a neutral position on the annexation is proof that the Eastview
activists did the right thing by going it alone.
Dyda claims that SOC worked with LAFCO to revise the
boundaries. SOC was not a residents’ organization representing
only the incorporation area and was funded primarily from members outside
the RPV boundary. The five active homeowners groups in Eastview were
also members of the PVPAC and they had to agree to drop out of the
incorporation boundaries. Hence the agreement was made by the PVPAC
that I have referred to in a previous letter.
The fact that the residents of Eastview voted overwhelmingly
to annex to RPV really shines light on the supposed negative numbers
reported to the PVPAC years earlier. Only a small group opposed it
then and again at annexation time.
I have always been thankful for the efforts of Leo
Connolly, Dick Brunner, Andy Bonacich, Bob West, Jay Hodge, and the
rest of the Eastview Goals Committee for working with the PVPAC to
achieve the RPV incorporation. I don’t remember a moment of weak
support from them.
By the way: Perhaps it is high time that we refer
to Eastview as the eastern portion of RPV. These people and their kids
need to be 100% a part of RPV.
John McTaggart
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